Visit Info

Please see the Contact page for address and directions.

I am currently available for in-person visits only for clients that I have seen previously. I am available for online counseling, teaching, and facilitation.

Requested fee for a visit up to one hour is $150.00.

For acupuncture clients whom I have not seen for some time, there is a one-page form for you to fill out at the first visit. Please arrive a few minutes early. For the first acupuncture visit, I request that you don’t wear any makeup or fragrances. This helps me with elemental diagnosis.

If you are coming for acupuncture, please avoid doing anything on the day of the visit that markedly changes your energy (like exercising way more than you are used to, having a treatment by some other energy practitioner, taking a hot bath or hot tub to the point of wilting, or drinking alcohol). This helps me to see you in a representative state and for the treatment to “settle in” and integrate during the night’s sleep.

For in-person visits, COVID precautions are observed. Please do not come into the office if you have symptoms or any high-risk exposure. Please wear a mask. I am vaccinated.

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